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  • Writer's pictureNathan Bonnie

Exponential Growth

Recently a friend asked me to describe my approach to coaching.

I ended up using the words 'exponential growth' but I felt that didn't quite explain it...

I introduce participants to 'tools' and allow them to figure out, play with and get to know these 'tools' on their terms. As time goes by these 'tools' can be used to build and create, as participants slowly start to master these 'tools' these creations gradually evolve into things of more and more complexity.

My position in all this is not to ensure participants create a certain thing or follow a certain path, only to identify and introduce 'tools' that participants may not be using and to scaffold the structures they create.

I try to create an environment in which the participant (and often myself) can learn. I find that this approach often helps to eliminate some of the "I'm right, you're wrong. I'm big you're small" kind of thing and replace it with more of a freedom to simply explore (whatever age you are).

I often try to subtly 'shape' environments into presenting certain opportunities to learn but it is up to the participant whether they engage with it or not. I will never pressure someone into doing something they are not comfortable with.

So basically most of what I do is lots of subtle 'background' work and observation/listening. The learning is participant led and guided by myself in a safe environment that is tailored to the individual.

I was an electrician in a past life so forgive the 'tools' metaphor...

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