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  • Writer's pictureNathan Bonnie


So its that time of year when people tend to reflect on the past and I find myself looking back and considering how far I've come and where I want to take things in the future.

In terms of how the business is coming along, there have been alot of developments throughout 2019. It has been a year of trial and error and its been pretty rough at times but I have learnt so much because of it, giving me a greater confidence in my ability to run a successful business. (Damn it feels good to write that down.)

When I first started all this, I developed this life and this business in order to keep myself sane. I just happened to develop along with it. This business is intertwined with me on a very personal level and as I have put my time and effort into growing things within the business, I have also seen them grow within myself.

All the effort, the sacrifices, the struggles, the doubt, the fear, I've experienced throughout my journey so far have taught me a valuable lesson: treat everything as a constant process of trial, error and evolution.

I'm excited to be taking on bigger and bolder challenges for 2020...

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